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NUCA NJ to Lawmakers: Gas Tax Holiday Bad Idea

With gas prices high, lawmakers in Congress and in states around the country have proposed a tax holiday to lower prices. Despite the gas tax not being the revenue source for most utility projects, road projects often do include some component of utility work that benefits our members. It is unclear if a gas tax holiday would actually lower prices. However, reducing revenue would definitely diminish stimulus efforts and normal annual construction programs for an unknown amount of money and unclear duration. NUCA NJ has been working with our National and state chapters to bring our grassroots advocacy tool into action. We are also working with a coalition to not just "say no" but to also be proactive about finding other ways to lower gas prices that won't cut revenue for construction. At a recent industry event, NJ Department of Transportation Commissioner Diane Scaccetti assured our Executive Director that especially in light of the expected revenue from the $1.2T infrastructure funding law, many transportation projects will be looked at more holistically with utility improvements being given greater consideration. If more utility work is possible on road jobs, we can't risk a funding cut.

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